Wyndham Place On The River

Wyndham Place On The River

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you looking for some introductory information about this condominium?

Here are the topics potential purchasers most frequently inquire about:

Disclaimer: This information is not all-inclusive and should not be relied upon to make a decision about purchasing a unit. Each condominium is unique and we cannot disclose any additional information verbally or in writing; to obtain further information (such as the status of the reserve fund, current special assessments, common expenses owing, etc.) you will need to order a status certificate and refer to the condominium documents. This can be done by clicking on ‘Request Status Certificate’ on the condominium websites menu above.

Are For Sale signs permitted? 



Are realtor lock boxes permitted? 

Lock boxes are permitted only on the ring installed on cart-side surface of post near the recycling area. Real estate open houses are not permitted.  


Are there any pet restrictions? 

Pets cannot be kept on the Common Elements, including balconies. Pets must be leased and accompanied by a resident at all times. Pet rules are strictly enforced; please see Rules for more details. 


Are there any occupancy restrictions? 

Each unit is to be occupied and used only as a private single-family residence and for no other purpose.  


Are there any leasing restrictions? 

The Unit Owner must notify the Corporation when entering into a lease or renewal of lease, and provide the Corporation with the Summary of Lease. 


What are the parking rules for residents? 

All deeded parking spaces are located in the underground garage. Some additional spaces are available for a fee on a first-come, first-serve basis; contact the Superintendent for availability or to be put on the wait list.  


What are the parking rules for visitors? 

There are 10 visitor parking spaces to be used by visitors only on a first-come, first-serve basis. There are no visitor parking passes.  


Are there restrictions regarding changes to the common elements? 

All changes to the common elements require the approval of the Board in advance via property management. Approval of flooring changes must be requested in advance, in writing. Tis property has not executed an indemnity agreement.  


Is there sub-metering of utilities? 



Are there any unusual maintenance items? 



Are there any bulk utilities included in the common expenses? 



Is there private waste pickup? 

Waste and recycling is collected weekly. 


Are there any amenities? 

Amenities which require extra fees: 

  1. Guest Suite 

  1. Extra Locker Rentals 

  1. Tire Storage 

Please inquire with Superintendent for availability and rates.  


No additional fees: 

  1. Exercise Room 

  1. Common Room 

  1. BBQ (during summer months) 


Are there any smoking or cannabis restrictions? 

Please review the Rules re. smoking restrictions. 


Is there any other important information to know? 

  • Schedule move-ins with the onsite superintendent at least 3 days in advance. 

  • Window coverings must be white / off-white. 

  • Review Bylaw #3: Insurance. 

  • There is a Master key system in place; unit locks must remain on the Master key system.